We are a not-for-profit, section 501(c)(3) organization that relies on donations to operate. There are multiple ways you can donate to the NCSA!
EIN: 52-1263121 | Federal CFC code #12036

Make a one-time or recurring donation directly via our website. Check to see if your employer matches charitable donations.

If you participate in the CFC, donate tax-free and automatically via your paycheck! We are listed as Deaf Children’s Literacy Project, CFC code 12036.

Donate to the NCSA via the PayPal Giving Fund, which covers all fees!

If you shop via PayPal, add $1 to your purchase when you check out! Select the NCSA as your favorite charity.

Do you buy and sell on eBay? If so, designate the NCSA as your charity to receive a small donation from each transaction.

Sign up with GoodShop! When you search for coupons, a small donation is made to NCSA.

Participate in Facebook’s annual Giving Tuesday campaign the Tuesday after Thanksgiving!

Include the NCSA in your estate planning! Learn more about the Cornett Legacy Society.

Donate your used vehicle and set the NCSA as the beneficiary! We will receive the proceeds from your vehicle donation.