Where We Stand


The National Cued Speech Association champions effective communication, language development and literacy through the use of Cued Speech.


The National Cued Speech Association envisions that:

  • Individuals communicate effectively in the language(s) of their family and society.
  • Families with D/HH children are informed about Cued Speech alongside other communication options.
  • These families’ rights are respected, and instruction is provided to facilitate the use of cued languages.
  • Cueing students achieve literacy through full access to language and education.
  • Educators and institutions respect and implement cueing as a mode of communication.
  • Professionally trained and certified Cued Language Transliterators are available when and where they are needed.



  • Be a source for information regarding the use of Cued Speech as a mode of communication.
  • Disseminate the results of research through peer-reviewed journals and available media.
  • Advise parents and professionals about the use of Cued Speech for communication, language, and learning needs.


  • Support and promote equal access to communication through Cued Speech for individuals with communication needs.
  • Champion the increased use of Cued Speech and cued languages by schools and programs for children.
  • Promote education policy among local, state and federal authorities that support early identification of children who are deaf or hard of hearing including education of the parents as to modes of communication available, including Cued Speech.
  • Promote the inclusion of Cued Speech in the curricula of university and professional training programs.


  • Provide a support network for families and professionals who choose to cue.
  • Support and promote the delivery of quality Cued Speech services for all users.
  • Facilitate research regarding the use of Cued Speech.
  • Promote and support professional standards for instructors, transliterators, educators and speech-language pathologists regarding the use of Cued Speech.

Position Statements

The National Cued Speech Association has several position statements. These position statements reflect current thinking and practices in the cueing community, as well as in the fields of deaf education and deaf studies. Position statements span the following topics:

View All Position Statements [PDF]