You spent a lifetime building your assets to benefit the people and causes you care about. Smart estate planning can ensure that your intentions are fulfilled so that you leave a legacy you are proud of!
Established in the name of Dr. R. Orin Cornett, the creator of Cued Speech, the NCSA’s Cornett Legacy Society enables you to declare your commitment to communication, language, and literacy for deaf and hard-of-hearing individuals during your lifetime.
A bequest to the National Cued Speech Association allows you to extend the impact that Cued Speech has had on the lives of your family or friends. While many are able to give generously during their lifetimes, others find satisfaction in knowing that the legacy they leave in their estate will allow the NCSA to give the gift of language, communication, and literacy to cuers and their families in the future.
Make the dream of language, communication and literacy part of your legacy by remembering the National Cued Speech Association in your estate plans. Leaving a gift for future generations of cuers can be as easy as adding a codicil to your will. You can give a specific amount, a percentage or the residue of your estate. You can even name the National Cued Speech Association as a contingent beneficiary.
A charitable bequest allows individuals to retain use of and control over their assets during their lifetime, and remains fully revocable. To expedite your good intentions, here’s a recommended clause for making an outright, unrestricted bequest to the National Cued Speech Association:
“I hereby give, devise and bequeath to the National Cued Speech Association, a not-for-profit corporation, having its principal address at:
National Cued Speech Association
P.O. Box 2733
Fairfax, VA, 22031-2733
(insert description of gift) to be used for its general, charitable and educational purposes.”
A Note on IRAs
If you leave your retirement plan assets (such as an IRA) to your heirs, they may be taxed twice. After the assets are diminished by inheritance taxes, they may be further reduced by the income tax your heirs will have to pay on what they receive! You can stop the “Incredible Shrinking IRA” by naming the National Cued Speech Association as the beneficiary and leaving other assets to your heirs.
When you make this charitable gift, the death benefit qualifies for a charitable deduction from your estate and 100% of the assets pass to the National Cued Speech Association without being taxed. Your heirs may benefit from this arrangement because they can receive other assets that are not as heavily taxed.
Members of the Cornett Legacy Society are profiled in On Cue, receive recognition on, and will receive a personalized Cornett Legacy Society Certificate as well as a distinctive pin as a token of our appreciation.
Bequests are also the final expression of a life of caring and concern.
Contact us for more information or download Dr. Cornett’s Legacy Society form [PDF] to submit your bequest.