Family-friendly camps
Spring, summer and fall camps for families, professionals, the deaf / hard of hearing and the learning disabled. This includes all individuals from different backgrounds. Young individuals and families who have attended our camps mentioned how much they benefited from the courses and workshops and how much they loved the locations and scenery.
All camps below offer Cued Speech / Cued American English courses, workshops, panel discussions and guest lecturers within a relaxed camp atmosphere at beautiful locations such as those by rivers, lakes and in the mountains.
Cued Speech instructors will teach the system in an easy-to-learn format each day to meet group as well as individual needs.
Advanced literacy skills are a direct benefit of active Cued Speech use between parent and child. This resulting benefit can be seen at any age. This is where family-based cue camps come in and are enormously instructive for parents from all backgrounds through courses and workshops.
Spring Camp Cheerio
Roaring Gap, North Carolina
May 15 – 17, 2020
Spring Camp Cheerio will be held in the majestic Blue Ridge Mountains in northwestern North Carolina.
1430 Camp Cheerio Road
Glade Valley, NC 28627-9731
The two and a half day weekend is designed for individuals, teens, families and professionals interested in learning strategies for spoken language and shared experiences relating to hearing loss.
We provide resources and support for individuals and children with cochlear implants.

During this camp weekend, children are placed in age-appropriate classes where they participate in activities such as crafts, games, hiking, canoeing, archery, a hillside waterslide, and more. The parents will attend educational sessions such as Cued Speech classes, advocacy training, technology updates, and issues on raising a child who is deaf or hard of hearing.
Take advantage of beginner and intermediate CS Classes, go to the Spring Camp Cheerio website at the link directly below.
Past Camp Photos:
Spring Camp Cheerio 2020 Brochure
For more information:
Contact camp director Courtney Poole at
Chi-CueSign-Go Camp
July, 2020
What is Chi-CueSignGo?
- A collaboration between Alexander Graham Bell Montessori School and CueSign, Inc.
- A fun, safe place for people of all ages and skill levels to learn, practice, and brush up on their Cued Speech and American Sign Language skills.
- A place to visit with old friends and make new ones.
- A place to have fun, support, and promote Cued Speech and American Sign Language.
- A place to get away from it all and be in a completely supportive and inclusive environment!
Join us in July for our collobarative camp, Chi CueSignGo. Come immerse yourself in a weekend of rich interaction. We will have classes for all levels, speakers, activities, and socialization opportunities galore! Come together as one community in which all communication modes are respected…Cue Speech, ASL, and speaking. ASL interpreters and Cued Speech transliterators will be available to ensure communication access for all!
Cued Speech Camps are a fun, safe place for people of all ages and skill levels to learn, practice, and brush up on their knowledge of Cued Speech and cueing skills. A place to visit with old friends and make new ones. A place to have fun, support, and promote the benefits of adding Cued Speech to your communication repertoire! A place to get away from it all and be in a completely supportive, language rich, bilingual environment

All Cued Speech and American Sign Language workshops will be taught by certified instructors.
- Level 1: For those brand new to Cued Speech
- Level 2: For those who have had some Cued Speech instruction and want more practice to become comfortable and fluent with cueing
- Level 3: For those who are ready to work on fluency and conversation
Children and Youth/Teen classes are also available. We will also have childcare available for children younger than 3 years old.
For more camp information, contact Karla Giese at
Cue Camp New England – Home Edition
Our in-person camp has been cancelled. Please join us online instead for the “Home Edition”
Registration available here –
July 19 – August 8, 2020
Intro for Cued American English
Learn the eight handshapes and four hand placements for making spoken English visually accessible (RID CEUs available)
Class Time Options:
Mondays & Wednesdays 10:00 AM – 12:00 PM EDT
Mondays & Wednesdays 7:00 PM – 9:00 PM EDT
Saturdays 10:00 AM – 3:00 PM EDT (With 1-hr break for lunch)
Cued Speech Skills
Nine skill-building workshops for intermediate and advanced cuers – attend one or all (RID CEUs available).
Class Time Options
Mondays, Wednesdays, & Fridays 3:00 – 4:00 PM EDT
Tuesdays & Thursdays 7:00-8:00 PM EDT and Saturdays 3:00 – 4:00 PM EDT
Children’s Program
Cue Class,Games, Crafts, & Story Time with cueing instructors and CLTs
Mondays, Wednesdays, & Fridays 8:45 – 9:30 AM and 12:30 – 1:00 PM EDT
CLT Mentor Program (RID CEUs & TECUnit CEHs available)
Presentations, Panels, & Socials
For professionals and families to learn from experts, native cuers, and each other about the use of Cued Speech in education, at home & work, and as a mode of communication.
Register here –
Flyer –
About Cue Camp Mechuwana
Due to COVID-19, Cue Camp Mechuwana has been cancelled. See our other event – Cue Camp New England – Home Edition!

Learn to cue, improve your cueing skills, and meet other cuers. Learn more about how cueing is being used in bilingual education, to naturally acquire the spoken language of the family and community, to provide phonemic awareness pre and post implant, to receive direct access in educational and professional settings without interpretation, and to improve literacy skills.

Held at beautiful Camp Mechuwana, on Lake Annabessacook and Lower Narrows Pond, surrounded by 230 acres of woodlands, in Winthrop, Maine.
- Wish to learn to cue or refine your already existing cueing skills?
- Want to be a Cued Language Transliterator? This is a great place to start!
- Do you use ASL and wish to learn to cue? Interpreters available upon request. Separate class taught in ASL with interest.
- Wishing to provide phonemic awareness?
- Do you have a progressive hearing loss or are you hard of hearing and can’t hear your spouse, children, or siblings very well?
Cueing helps provide access to communication all around you. Come to Cue Camp Mechuwana to socialize and network with cueing families, friends, and professionals. Bring your family and start cueing!
For more information, contact Cue Camp Mechuwana Director Suzanne Flint at
Cue Camp Virginia
Jamestown, Virginia
October 9 – 12, 2020
Registration for Cue Camp Virginia opens August 1st online at »
Camp will be held on Columbus Day weekend. The Adult Beginning Cued Speech class starts on Thursday evening at 8:00. All other courses and activities start Friday morning at 9:00.

Who should attend Cue Camp Virginia?
Cue Camp Virginia (CCVA) is a learning weekend intended for entire families with deaf or hard-of-hearing infants and children, professionals in fields related to deafness, and anyone else interested in learning about Cued Speech, learning the Cued Speech system, or increasing cueing fluency. (CCVA cannot accommodate unaccompanied minors.)
Beginning Cued American English
This class is for those who are unfamiliar with the Cued Speech system. Beginning on Thursday night at 8:00 p.m., this class will cover a basic history of Cued Speech (open to all camp participants) and a complete overview of the eight handshapes and four placements representing all the consonant and vowel sounds of American English.
Beginning Cued American English taught in ASL
See description above. This is a separate class, taught in ASL and intended for deaf/hard-of-hearing participants who use ASL.
Advanced Beginner Cued Speech Fluency Workshop
This class is designed to help participants increase speed, accuracy, and confidence. Content includes lots of practice and covers challenges to fluency such as flicks, consonant blends, diphthongs, and liaisons. If you are already familiar with the Cued Speech system; this is the class for you. Progress is at your own pace. It’s not necessary to repeat the Beginner class just because you’re still using the chart to find the correct handshape or placement.
Advanced Cued Speech
This class includes practice of more complex phrases, sentences, paragraphs, and conversations. It addresses technical questions and linguistic justification behind “correct” cueing and use of the CS system. Participants should be able to cue consistently without reference to charts.
Cued Language Transliterator (CLT) Training and Mentorship Program
Cued Language Transliterators-in-training will be paired with experienced CLTs to provide transliteration for various camp enrichment activities (not classes or presentations) to gain experience in a variety of scenarios. Trainees receive feedback from multiple sources, as well as tips and constructive input from Language-Matters instructors.
Several presentations and workshops will offer topics of interest to families and/or professionals.
Children’s Groups and Classes
Children are grouped by age and/or grade to ensure appropriate peers. In addition to activities such as moon bounce, archery, art, fishing, and canoeing, all groups receive instruction in Cued American English. Play with handshape exercises is provided for our youngest campers. For ages pre-K and up, the Cued Speech system is taught to all Beginners. Practice sessions are offered for more proficient cuers. Group leaders consist of cueing professionals, parents, adults, and deaf cueing role models. (A group leader or assistant who knows ASL will be with any group that contains a deaf signing child.)
Social Activities
Family-friendly activities include family canoeing, campfire and s’mores, camp slideshow, and D.J. and dance.
Contact the Cue Camp Virginia directors at
Camp Discover
Rome, Maine
October 2019
114 Pine Tree Camp Rd
Rome, ME 04963
Pine Tree Camp Discover provides a fun and supportive learning environment for new cuers and those wishing to improve their cueing skills. Its for families, professionals and individuals (adults & children).

Nicole Dobson, Director of Programs
Cued Speech Association of Maine
Phone: (207) 602-0770